Carson, a republican presidential hopeful, expresses his support for medical marijuana in Iowa

During a Q and A, the former-brain-surgeon-turned-Republican-presidential-candidate stated that he approves of cannabis for medical use.

“Medical marijuana has proven its benefit and it should be rescheduled, there’s no question about that,” Carson said.

The mother of a child with epilepsy pressed Ben Carson to voice his stance on medical marijuana in Panora Wednesday.

Last year, Iowa lawmakers passed a limited bill to legalize possession of a marijuana extract for people with severe epilepsy. Critics say the law is practically useless, because it provides no legal method to distribute the oil.

When questioned by The Des Moines Register later Wednesday, Carson declined to share specifics on how he would push for medical marijuana laws but said it would be “easy” on the Federal level.

“These are easy things and it goes back to the whole concept of creating efficiency in government,” he said.

Source: Voter presses Carson on medical marijuana


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