Carson, a republican presidential hopeful, expresses his support for medical marijuana in Iowa

During a Q and A, the former-brain-surgeon-turned-Republican-presidential-candidate stated that he approves of cannabis for medical use. “Medical marijuana has proven its benefit and it should be rescheduled, there’s no question about that,” Carson said. The mother of a child with epilepsy pressed Ben Carson to voice his stance on medical marijuana in Panora Wednesday. Last […]

Pesticides Lead to Biggest Marijuana Recall Yet in Colorado | WAAX-AM

“According to the Cannabist, Mountain High Suckers’ products tested positive for imidacloprid and myclobutanil, pesticides Hickenlooper has called a “threat to public safety” and that the state has banned for use on marijuana. Back in November, Colorado’s Gov. John Hickenlooper ordered the destruction of any marijuana treated with unapproved pesticides or any product made with that marijuana. […]

Oregon News – New year brings changes to Oregon state marijuana program

“Online applications become available Jan. 4 for recreational marijuana outlets. This includes six types of permits, from growers, processors and wholesalers to retailers and laboratories. The number of applications are unlimited, Mark Pettinger, Oregon Liquor Control Commission spokesman said, unlike Washington which capped its retail licenses.” “The whole focus of this it to have a […]

A Look Back at Marijuana in 2015; and Ahead to 2016 

  “Compared to our recent dramatic electoral victories in 2012 and again in 2014, 2015 was a slow year. We made some modest gains, but nothing dramatic.” “The one most significant statewide victory during 2015 came in Delaware, where the state legislature decriminalized minor marijuana offenses ($100 civil fine for possession of up to one […]

Mexico’s Marijuana Industry Takes a Hit as U.S. Loosens Restrictions – Fortune

“Since states have risen restrictions on marijuana, the demand for Mexican drugs has gone down significantly. The LA Times reports that in 2008 two-thirds of all marijuana consumed in the U.S. had been imported from Mexico, and now it’s less than one-third.” “…since higher quality American product is now much more accessible, people are “[turning] their backs […]