Adilas is being used by thousands of businesses around the world. This powerful business tool is currently being used as a cannabis seed to sale software solution by over 1000 legal marijuana businesses.
Adilas is being used by thousands of businesses around the world. This powerful business tool is currently being used as seed to sale software by over 1000 legal marijuana businesses.
Track and Trace Service as a Software Cannabis Business Consulting Solutions

- Origins
- Unique Plant ID’s & RFID’s Tags & Batches
- Nutrients & additives
- Schedules & harvest data
- Yields, test results & other reports
- Costs, sales and more!
Learn to track:
- Batch History
- ID’s & RFID’s
- Conversions
- Production ID’s
- Ingredients & additives
- Test results
- Costs, sales, & more!
- Transportation manifests
- Online ordering
- Scheduling
- Cross corporation Invoices to PO’s for ease in transferring chain of custody
- Market exchanges
- Email & Text messaging for customers & employees.
All Data is Live and Searchable
Adilas stands for “all data is live and searchable.”
Adilas is a customizable, all in one business software and enterprise resource planning solution.
Adilas has provided business intelligence software for over 15 years and has been offering seed to sale software solutions since 2010.
For Marijuana Businesses
Adilas420 provides a true all in one software as a service (SaaS) solution for the cannabis industry. We provide the software, custom web development, operational training and support you need to plan and manage your cannabis business.
Cultivators, Processors, Manufacturers, Labs, Distributors, Transporters, Dispensaries, and Regulators, from seed to CPA, we got you covered!