Adilas Setup for Cultivation

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Adilas Setup for Cultivators

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Complete Course Length: Approximately 3 hours

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Course Text

Congratulations on choosing Adilas as your seed to sale software system.

By now, we hope you have checked out our free software demo for, which is being used by thousands of cannabis businesses as seed to sale software around the world.

Before taking this course, we hope you also know a little about the basic requirements of track and trace software, cannabis business compliance and the people, product and process involved with the cannabis industry.

If you haven’t already consider taking one of our introductory courses such as:

  • Introduction to seed to sale tracking for a distributor or
  • Introduction to Financials using ADILAS Accounting Software for cannabis businesses

In this course, we will show you step by step how to set up your Adilas seed to sale software system and offer you users guides along the way.

When you activate your system and pay your first months subscription, you will get an email within 48 hours with your system Corp Key, User Name and Password.

We recommend you maintain this “master user name and password” as an administrative account.

Once you are logged into Adilas, you will need to use the set up this course and manage system permissions, customize the look and feel and manage Administrators system controls.

In this course we will cover:

  • System Set Up including locations and departments.
  • Setting up the people including users, vendors, and customers.
  • Setting up the product including configuring categories and the data used to track items.
  • And finally you will learn how to setup the tools that system users will use throughout their cannabis operations.  

We will also offer an introduction to how to setup your accounting parts in Adilas, an introduction to procedures for product intake, manufacturing, sales and setting up online shopping features.

The Cannabis Operational Training Courses and Administrative Training Courses from Adilas420 offers more training and examples of how to use different Adilas features for each job responsibility or roll.

The purpose of this course is to help you access, add and edit system settings as needed.

These are administrative procedures and should only be used for set up, and every once in a while, as administrators, you need to make changes to system wide settings.

Throughout this course we will offer optional quizzes and exercises to practice and show your knowledge of setting up your Adilas system.

Let’s get started. On your screen, you can scroll down to the course materials and content, select the check mark to learn about How to Use This Learning, it will automatically take you to the next lesson.

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Watch an Adilas seed to sale software demo today for specific examples of how Adilas420 is being used to track and trace cannabis businesses.


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About Adilas, or adilas, like, is an online business platform. We are considered a “SaaS” or Software as a Service provider. We charge a monthly fee for businesses to use our interface, functions, and tools. We give our clients full access to their data through a valid login. Depending on how the different companies choose to use the adilas platform, depends on the tools, functions, and features that they need or end up using. is a web-based hosted solution. In modern language, this is commonly known as “cloud-based”. We advertise ourselves as a “virtual data portal” to help with sales, inventory tracking, POS (point of sale), CRM (customer relationship management), online expense tracking, BI (business intelligence), payroll, timecards, scheduling, backend office, accounting functions, and much more. Read more about Adilas
Security, integrity, and back-up plans are hot topics in today’s world. We, at, take security, data integrity, and back-ups very seriously. hosts servers with top rated server farms for commercially hosted environments and implement state of the art security protocols. Common security measures such as SSL, Firewalls, virus protection, and data encryption are used. The server hosts offers 24/7 tech support and personnel monitoring in their hazard proof facility.
Yes. was originally designed for vehicle manufacturing and sales. The solution was adapted to accommodate many industries and has served thousands of cannabis businesses as a seed to sale tracking system since 2010. The system works for Governing Agencies, Dispensary’s, Cultivation, Production or Lab facilities to track and trace marijuana from seed to sale. Learn more about seed to sale software.
Yes. Adilas currently integrates directly with Franwell Metrc, Leaf Data, BioTrack, and the Washington State Liquor Board’s tracking system. We are currently working on integration with Arizona Department of Health Services web portal and will develop for other states as requested. We are currently working on solutions in Canada.
Adilas will work on any device or computer that can connect to the Internet. Adilas can be used in any web browser, although, some browsers offer more functionality than others. For best results, we recommend you use Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox. However, some printers may prefer internet explorer, which works fine too.
Adilas can work with most any hardware. It can work on any device and is compatible with standard printers, barcode scanners, magnetic swipers ect. For recommended hardware see products and solutions.
Plans vary depending on the size of the business and what tools or integration is required. Checkout software prices and purchase today in our secure e-commerce platform.

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Course Materials

Course Content

Lessons Status

How to Navigate this Learning Cultivation


Introduction to Adilas420 Cultivation


Introduction to Cannabis Cultivation


Introduction to Adilas System Setup Cultivation


Introduction to Snow Owl Theme Settings Cultivation


Introduction to Locations Cultivation


Setting up the People in Adilas Cultivation


Introduction To Inventory Cultivation


Setting up the Process in Adilas Cultivation


Introduction to PO Cultivation


Introduction to Invoices Cultivation


Optional Setup Lessons Cultivation


Introduction to Labels Cultivation


Introduction to Photos/Scans and Media/Content Cultivation

Posted in Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Canada, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, International, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Medical Marijuana Use, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Other, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Seed to Sale by State, Software, Tennessee, Texas, The United States, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming.